Circulart Junio 12 al 14
Reserva estas fechas

Business Meetings

This is the space that year after year gathers the agents of the music sector in one place. The heart of Circulart, where musicians, festival programmers, booking and management agencies, record labels and professionals from the music sector generate short 10 minute (En español dice 15 tocaría revisar y poner la cifra correcta) meetings to exchange valuable information and contribute in this way to the growth and development of the independent music industry.

Prior to the event, those registered in this space, selected through a curatorial process by the market in the case of artists and festivals, label agencies and other service providers of the music sector interested in participating, can schedule appointments with the person or organization of their interest; Each of the assistants to the meeting must agree with the appointment and if any of these are not, they can decline the request for an appointment and leave their agenda available, until they find a group or organization of their interest.

Each edition of the market makes possible the generation of more than 2000 business appointments, which positively impacts the commercialization of Ibero-American musical proposals and the cultural sector.

We invite you to see the portfolios and profiles of the participants who will be part of this meeting.