Circulart Junio 12 al 14
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Artistic Demos

This version brings with it a wide range of genres that will be included in this eleventh edition. The various melodies and artistic expressions that accompany the world´s music will lead this independent Latin American music market; allowing each screen to overflow with talent and artistic projection, not only from Colombia, but also from countries such as: Canada, Panama, Argentina, Spain, Brazil, Bolivia, Mexico, Chile, Venezuela, Paraguay, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic and Ecuador.

This time, you will be able to enjoy from home, alone or accompanied, of each artistic demo, you will be able to hear in the front row, those melodies that navigate the world and that arrive at Circulart to be listened to by you, potential music lovers, artists, industry professionals and programmers.

You can enjoy these musical exhibitions from November 12 to 15, schedule yourself, get your dance floor ready at home and come and enjoy each show that the artists of this edition have prepared for you.

If you want to know more about the artists that make up this art show, click on the following button.